Coarsegold Elementary Home

PTO Meeting Tuesday

Tuesday, January 14th 3:30pm in the library

Message from our Principal

Last week we started a new positive behavior program called Cougars on the Rise. Students are identified by ANY staff member for demonstrating a PRIDE behavior or a Positivity Project theme. These students receive a certificate, a letter home, a picture on the wall in the office, and a special treat!
We love to celebrate our Cougars any way we can!
Mrs. Shipp is starting a board game club on Tuesday and Thursday, students can reach out to her if they are interested.
Here are your events for the week.
Monday - Community Engagement meeting at CES at 4:00pm
Tuesday - PTO board meeting after school, 3:30 at  the library - soccer/basketball practice 
Wednesday - PRIDE assembly - Early dismissal
Thursday - soccer/basketball practice 
Friday - sports at Wasuma, jr high dance at Hillside

At CES, we continue to strive to provide opportunities to celebrate all our students. As a reminder, if you want to volunteer for field trips, you need to get fingerprinted. We can help cover that cost just reach out!
Let the adventure continue!

Staff Spotlight

Each week our leadership class is interviewing staff members and sharing their answers. This week we meet our new cafeteria assisant and bus aide, Ruben Ramirez!


Community Work Day

Time: 9:30 AM – 12 PM
Location: Coarsegold Elementary School, 45426 Rd 415, Coarsegold, CA 93614, USA