Coarsegold Elementary Home


Our librarian, Mrs. Shipp, is challenging our students to see which class can read the most pages between Feb 17th-March 4th. The top class will earn a truffula tree treat (cotton candy!)
Students will record their progress online and you can watch the progress happen here!
Online form -

Message from our Principal

Thank you to Grocery Outlet for donating the popsicles for our January perfect attendance students.
Cross country will begin when we come back from break and is open to K-8 students. Kinder parents, we do ask that you attend practices and meets to help keep eyes on them.
On Friday, our sports teams will be finishing out their season at the tournament at Minarets High School.  
As we head into break, we continue to focus on attendance so please call in when your child is out of school.
Here are the events for the week.
Monday - Title VI meeting 6:00 (moved from last week)
Tuesday - Food for Thought event (see flyer from Friday) - tournament team practice, PTO meeting
Wednesday - Early Out
Thursday - 8th grade registration for YHS - tournament team practice - MASS signups
Friday - Valentine’s Day - MASS to Badger Pass -  tournament at Minarets - Art Club - Valentine’s Dance

Let’s keep the Cougar Adventure going.

Staff Spotlight

Each week our leadership class is interviewing staff members and sharing their answers. This week we meet our 5th-8th grade resource teacher, Cara Borland!